Kp Cheese Footballs Drum 142G Pack OF 5

Light & Crispy Wafers with a Soft Cheesy CentreIdeas for reusing your empty drumHa ha! What does Santa do when elves misbehave? He gives them the sack!Christmas roller a barrel of laughs!1. Make your own Christmas game, all you'll need is an empty drum, scissors, some strips of paper & some sticky tape2. Cut eight strips of paper, the height of the drum & about 2cm wide (ask an adult to help with this part).3. Now comes the fun part, write one dare on each strip (eight in total), make these fun & not too horrible as there is a chance you could be doing it!4. Attach these strips with sticky tape to the outside of the drum. Then take it in turns to roll the drum & see which dare faces up!Ho ho! What do you sing at a snowman's birthday party? Freeze a jolly good fellow.Have fun with your family or friends!!Snacks can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise.
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